Barn Poolhouse

Barn Poolhouse
Planning was achieved for a new single storey pool building adjacent to an existing Listed barn. The intention is to recreate the farm courtyard, with the pool building forming one edge of, and completing, the courtyard. The building is a contemporary interpretation of a traditional farm building in form and material. The building is asymmetric and has a simple form. The roofline is uninterrupted and the walls and roof are both clad in oak shingles. The curved junction between roof and wall blurs the edges between planes simplifying the form and negating the requirement for guttering.

The palette of materials used for the proposal is kept to a minimum and oak is used in response to the oak weatherboarding on the existing barn. The main window on the south projects out to provide a window seat for the view towards the chestnut tree at the SW corner of the site and the views up the valley and beyond. Small rooflights are inserted into the south and east elevation to allow dappled sunlight into the interior but without compromising privacy from the road. The intention is to heat the building and the pool water most of the year with a ground source heat pump to minimise the energy consumption of the building.